Ouzoud Waterfalls

Ouzoud Waterfalls (Overview)

Ouzoud Waterfalls is a beautiful sight to behold, with waterfalls cascading down into massive pools of clear water. The mist from the falls will leave your skin feeling refreshed and moisturized, so you can enjoy your time there without worrying about dryness or flaking.

But what happens when you want to leave? Well, don’t worry—Ouzoud Waterfalls has that figured out, too! You can take a dip in a pool or simply wash off your hands and face with some of that refreshing water before heading home.

About Ouzoud Waterfalls

The name “Ouzoud” comes from the Berber word for “cascade,” which is how these waterfalls were discovered by Europeans. The first Europeans to see Ouzoud were Spanish soldiers in the 18th century, who set up camp there during their expedition through Morocco. The area has been drawing tourists ever since.

The best way to get to Ouzoud is via a day trip from Marrakech. There is also plenty of joy at both ends of the journey if you prefer not to drive yourself!

Ouzoud Waterfalls

Highlights Of Ouzoud Waterfalls

This is a full-day excursion because the drive takes about 3 hours each way and you’ll have time to relax at the falls.

A local will try to persuade you to pay for a guided tour as soon as you get off the bus.

This isn’t necessary because exploring the falls on your own is very simple.

The waterfalls are breathtaking, with several massive cascades thundering through town towards the El-Abid River Gorge.

Ouzoud Waterfalls Location From Marrakech

Ouzoud Waterfalls, or “the Moroccan Niagara,” is one of the most popular attractions in Morocco.

In the middle of the Atlas Mountains, about 99 miles from Marrakech. They were formed when two caves collapsed and formed a basin that filled with water. The basin was then carved over time by natural erosion and other factors, to create a series of cascades and pools that make up the falls’ identity.

Best Time To Visit The Waterfalls

The best time to enjoy this amazing place is: ANYTIME!

The lush greenery and clear, cool water will make your experience even more memorable.

You can visit during the winter months when there are fewer tourists to get the Waterfalls for yourself, but the weather may be colder.

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