
Ifrane (Overview)

Want to learn more about Ifrane? There are a thousand and one methods to accomplish this. Little Switzerland, as it is known, has huge tourism potential. There are lakes and rivers, mountains and woods, and all sorts of beautiful natural sceneries.

Its natural resources make it a popular tourist destination for trekking, wild boar hunting, and fishing in its lakes.

The Ifrane National Park is home to the world’s biggest cedar forest. Ifrane is a Moroccan city of 155,000 people located in the Middle Atlas at 1,713 meters above sea level.

Human presence in the region stretches back to the Neolithic, as demonstrated by caves such as Tizguite, as well as archaeological remains going back 50,000 years.

About Ifrane

Ifrane is a Moroccan city known for its European architecture. It is located in the Middle Atlas Mountains and is an oasis of freshness and outstanding greenery: with its lakes and fountains, the change of view is breathtaking, unexpected, and restorative for landscape enthusiasts.

When you arrive at Ifrane, you can sense the freshness. This place in the center of a cedar forest is overflowing with springs and lakes. Surprisingly, the houses with their sloping roofs also recall Switzerland.

The Vittel spring and its cascades are suitable for a walking visit. Walk a few hundred meters down the river to uncover the forest of maples and poplars that runs down to the spring waters.

In the summer, horseback trips to the waterfalls are available.


Ifrane Highlights

Its scenic lake-filled parks provide visitors with a taste of an unexpected atmosphere in which to wander.

The most beautiful hiking trails are decorated with wide and varied fauna. Its park is home to a variety of bird and monkey species: A Barbary macaque will entertain you, while a Barbary deer will watch you from a few meters away.

Ifrane is also a part of history. You’ll visit the cleanest streets in the world and learn about a traditional regional craft. You’ll see upholsterers working on their carpets, mat makers weaving rush stems, and a pottery or Thuya wood shop selling charming trinkets.

This year-round destination promises the sun and the moon, with everything from a luxury hotel to a charming red-roofed house.

Because of its natural riches, the region’s authorities established a 53,000-acre national park. The region is home to the country’s largest cedar forest.

Ifrane is Morocco’s busiest summer resort. It also serves as a cattle grazing area and has an experimental station for the study of animal behavior.

Ifrane's Location On Map

Ifrane, located in Morocco’s Middle Atlas range, is one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations.

Morocco’s Switzerland is known for its cooler temperatures, unusual architecture, diverse landscapes, lakes and streams, and a variety of outdoor activities.

The city is surrounded by high mountains on all sides, providing breathtaking scenery: as you travel higher into the Atlas Mountains, a range of snow-capped peaks and valleys unfold before you. You may also view it when driving across the countryside.

Best Time To Visit Ifrane

The ideal season to visit Ifrane in Morocco is from January to December when temperatures range from comfortable to quite hot and there is little to no rain. In Ifrane, the highest average temperature is 39°C in July and the lowest is 20°C in January.

The Mediterranean climate prevails in Ifrane. That is precisely what makes it a year-round destination. So pack your bags and travel to Moroccan Switzerland anytime you like.

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