Erg Chigaga - Zagora

Erg Chigaga - Zagora (Overview)

Leave the crowds behind and lope across the desert on a trusty dromedary, savoring the silence, the spectacular views, and the gentle swaying balance and coordination of the camel.

Even if your camel ride knocks you out, you’ll be able to scramble to the top of a sky-high dune at sunset and watch the desert turn gold, pink, and purple.

But what happens when you want to leave? Well, don’t worry—Ouzoud Waterfalls has that figured out, too! You can take a dip in a pool or simply wash off your hands and face with some of that refreshing water before heading home.

About Erg Chigaga

Keep in mind that M’Hamid is still about 55 kilometers from the Erg Chigaga dune field, so you’ll need to take a 4WD tour to get there in one day from town.

There are numerous smaller dunes surrounding M’Hamid that can be reached on short sunrise or sunset camel treks.

The best way to get to Ouzoud is via a day trip from Marrakech. There is also plenty of joy at both ends of the journey if you prefer not to drive yourself!

Erg Chigaga - 3 Days Tour From Marrakech

Erg Chigaga Highlights

The stars have never seemed brighter, and for good reason: Erg Chigaga is not only off the grid but also several hours’ camel ride from the nearest street lights.

The Erg Chigaga dune field is Morocco’s largest, stretching for approximately 40 kilometers. This vast sand sea of mammoth Saharan dunes attracts fewer visitors because it is much further southeast than the more famous Erg Chebbi and therefore less accessible on a short Morocco trip.

The oasis town of M’Hamid serves as the main departure point for Erg Chigaga excursions, from which you can embark on 4WD excursions and multi-day camel treks to spend the night among the dunes.

Erg Chigaga's Location On Map

Ouzoud Waterfalls, or “the Moroccan Niagara,” is one of the most popular attractions in Morocco.

In the middle of the Atlas Mountains, about 99 miles from Marrakech. They were formed when two caves collapsed and formed a basin that filled with water. The basin was then carved over time by natural erosion and other factors, to create a series of cascades and pools that make up the falls’ identity.

Best Time To Visit Erg Chigaga

Visiting Morocco can be a great experience, but it’s important to know when to go so that you can enjoy the best of the country’s best.

The desert is a popular destination for travelers who want to explore the Sahara and experience its unique culture.

In order to make sure you get the best experience possible, it’s important to know when the weather is most hospitable.

The best time to visit Morocco is between September and May. During this season, temperatures are milder than they are during other times of the year.

This makes traveling more enjoyable because you won’t have to deal with extreme heat or cold temperatures that could be hazardous to your health or wellbeing.

It also means fewer crowds when visiting popular destinations where tourists flock from around the world during peak seasons such as Christmas or summertime holidays when many families take vacations together (which can make travel difficult due to large crowds).

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